Veterinary Abdominal Ultrasound

Full abdominal ultrasound investigation will include assessment of all abdominal organs, including the Liver, Gall bladder, Stomach, Pancreas, Spleen, Kidneys, Adrenals, Small and Large intestines, and the urogenital tract. Patients will require a minimum 12 hour starvation and sedation for this procedure to allow for the best quality scan. Patients that are not stable for sedation may be scanned conscious but this may compromise the quality of the scan.

Abdominal ultrasound is a vastly under rated diagnostic tool and is almost always indicated at some stage in most medical work up, whether that be to assess adrenals to screen for masses or lesions in conjunction with a Cushing’s diagnosis, screening for underlying causes for a pancreatitis flare, investigate the cause for acute or chronic vomiting, or even something as broad as weight loss! Ultrasound can be extremely useful in these situations and can heavily guide the treatment and prognosis for these patients.

The most common indications for abdominal ultrasound include: 

Full abdominal ultrasound investigation will include assessment of all abdominal organs, including the Liver, Gall bladder, Stomach, Pancreas, Spleen, Kidneys, Adrenals, Small and Large intestines, and the urogenital tract. Patients will require a minimum 12-hour starvation and sedation for this procedure to allow for the best quality scan. Patients that are not stable for sedation may be scanned conscious, but this may compromise the quality of the scan in a minority of patients.

If you have any questions or think that one of you patients might need an abdominal ultrasound, please feel free to get in touch and we can provide you with advice on the most appropriate course of action.

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