Rhinoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that allows the veterinary surgeon to directly examine the back of the nose (nasopharynx) and the nasal cavities.
Rhinoscopy can be used to confirm the cause of persistent and uncontrolled sneezing, reverse sneezing, chronic nasal discharge (unilateral or bilateral), snoring (stertor) and unexplained nose bleeds (epistaxis).

Rhinoscopy can also be used to obtain biopsy samples which can be submitted to a laboratory for bacterial culture and sensitivity testing.
Biopsy samples may also be useful for distinguishing between cancerous and inflammatory conditions such as neoplasia (cancer) of the nasal cavity, fungal rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal cavity), nasal foreign body and lymphocytic-plasmacytic rhinitis (‘allergic’ nasal disease). These conditions all benefit from this diagnostic technique which works alongside CT scanning.
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